Work with me

Do you want to declutter and organise your home but are unsure where to start? Or you want to build a dream capsule wardrobe, but you’re unsure what your style is? I’m here to help 🙂

I offer virtual and in-person organising and decluttering services to help you declutter and organise any area of your home, that you need help with.

I can also help you find your signature style and wardrobe colour palette, so you can design the wardrobe of your dreams.

I’ve done many organising and decluttering videos on my YouTube channel if you want to learn more about my approach, but when working one-on-one we can go a lot deeper and I can help you address any obstacles you might face.

Just drop me an email with a quick description of what you would like to organise (you can also include pictures) at and we can set up a plan that would be best suited for you.


What is the price of consultation?

The hourly rate is 65€. And because organising and decluttering is typically a longer process, the minimum number of hours you can purchase is two.

How does virtual organising work?

Traditionally home organising and decluttering was done in person, but that can become very expensive, and it’s not always necessary. The truth is, that the most important thing I need to help you organise and declutter is your thoughts and feelings about particular items. Once you have the clarity, the physical part becomes very easy.

Do you offer in-person organising as well?

Yes, if you live in Slovenia, we can work together in person. If that is something you would like, just mention it in the introduction email.