Spring cleaning & decluttering checklist

It’s May already, so it’s just about time we do a proper spring cleaning.

To help you, I created a cleaning and decluttering checklist for every room of the house. Depending on the size of your home you can do it in one day, two days, or a week.

*Note: spring cleaning usually means deep cleaning, so I went into a lot of detail about what can we clean, but if you find it too time-consuming or irrelevant, ignore some steps. Take what you want and leave the rest 😉

Before you get started I also want to share some tips, to make cleaning even more fun and enjoyable.

The best tip when it comes to cleaning is to use fun music as your companion. I suggest you pick something that makes you want to dance 🙂

But if you’re in a more relaxed mood, then feel free to listen to a podcast or an audiobook. This way, you will learn and clean at the same time.

Or maybe, you can put on your favourite comedy show (that you already watched) and the characters can keep you company.

The second tip is to use a reward when you complete the spring cleaning. You can go out and eat something nice, treat yourself to a nice massage or go on a trip. Or maybe you can treat yourself to a nice dessert.

And the last tip is to include a friend or a partner. They can either help you clean or just keep you company and talk to you while you do your thing.

All tips above will make the time fly, so use whatever you like best. And now, feel free to jump right in 😉

I hope this helps you with your spring cleaning 🙂

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